Across California, education stakeholders have begun to acknowledge that suspending students as a first option, rather than a last option, is happening far too often. Data shows that suspensions increase the risk of student’s dropping out and decreases the likelihood of overall academic success. Many districts are reconsidering their approach to student discipline because of “suspension first” methodology. Data shows that this policy has been harmful, highly ineffective, and has failed to be a tool that adequately addresses problematic behavior.
The new LCAP template contains a rubric that outlines for school districts the expected suspension cut rates to demonstrate progress to the state. Districts will be held accountable for high suspension rate numbers, and will be encouraged to embrace alternatives when considering suspension. The “Cut Points” rubric and 2014-15 school/district rates are listed below, with an additional graph listed at the bottom of the page:
LCAP Suspension Rate Cut Points
2014-2015 Suspension Rates by School
Very High = 8% or greater
High = 4.5% to 8%
Median = 2.5% to 4.5 %
Low = 1% to 2.5%
Very Low = 1% or less
MCHS = 12.1%
LDPE = 4.8%
MES = 7.0%
Woodland = 6.4%
Yosemite = 0%
EL Portal = 0%
District = 7.4%
The goal is to utilize alternatives that will appropriately and effectively address student misbehavior, while ensuring students continue to move forward educationally and behaviorally with new supports.
Seeking alternatives to suspension is a cultural change, a shift from the era of zero tolerance policies. MCUSD has begun to educate staff on alternative options to suspension and programs that will promote a more effective way to respond to certain behaviors. Those alternatives, options, and programs include, but are not limited to:
- A conference, in person or on phone, between school personnel, the pupil's parent or guardian, and the pupil.
- Referrals to the school counselor, psychologist, social worker, child welfare attendance personnel, or other school support service personnel for case management and counseling.
- Study teams, guidance teams, resource panel teams, or other intervention-related teams that assess behavior, and develop and implement individualized plans to address the behavior in partnership with the pupil and his or her parents.
- Referral for a comprehensive psychosocial or psychoeducational assessment, including for purposes of creating an individualized education program, or a plan adopted pursuant to Section 504.
- A positive behavior support approach with tiered interventions that occur during the school-day on campus..
- Community service on school grounds or, with written permission of the parent or guardian of the pupil, off school grounds, during the pupil's non-school hours.
- Letter of reflection/apology
- A research or writing assignment researching and addressing the harms created by the student’s actions.
- A behavior contract outlining clear expectations and responsibilities.
- Participation in an activity or activities which repair the damage of the individual’s offense (cleaning, helping teacher, etc)
- Grade mentors for students and classes.
Overuse of suspension as a consequence is an issue across our state. I am confident that as a district we are taking necessary steps to reduce our suspension rate and build a culture that utilizes alternative options to support our students. Our staff is extremely student centered and has proven time and time again to be dedicated to supporting practices that are best for our students. Pursuing alternatives to suspension has proven to be instrumental this year. As a team, we have worked together to achieve a 50% reduction in our overall suspensions during the first quarter this year. Additionally, we have provided alternatives that have supported students and addressed behavior, rather than simply sending students home. Our collective efforts are working!