Friday, March 10, 2017

Budget and Negotiations Update, March 2017

Dear Mariposa Family and Friends,

At the March 2nd and 9th Board meetings, two important decisions regarding bargaining unit negotiations and necessary budget adjustments took place for next school year.

First, the Board approved the Tentative Agreement between MCUSD management staff and the Mariposa County Teachers Association (MCTA), which will provide for the third consecutive year a salary schedule increase for our teachers.  In February, the Board approved the Tentative Agreement between MCUSD management staff and the California School Employee Association (CSEA).  This agreement also provides for the third consecutive year a salary schedule increase for our classified employees.  

Second, the news that Mariposa County Office of Education (MCOE) will be receiving a significant reduction in Special Education funding, created a new paradigm regarding budgeting for Mariposa County Unified School District (MCUSD). The certain loss of funding represents a significant challenge as Special Education continues to encroach into Mariposa County Unified School District's general fund budget. This encroachment results in fewer dollars available for district wide programs and services.

The 2016-17 school year marks the second consecutive year that reductions in Special Education funding combined with negotiated salary increases have forced MCUSD to align our anticipated reduced revenues with expenditures. Dramatic increases in employee retirement plan contributions (STRS and PERS) and health care costs, along with automatic step and column salary increases, have made this task even more challenging for staff and our school board.  

The reductions are based on the following key factors:

  1. Focus on reducing personnel costs
  2. Start the reduction furthest away from the classroom, beginning with the district office
  3. Utilize attrition (retirements and resignations) to avoid hurtful layoffs and maximize savings
  4. Negotiated increases for bargaining unit employees
  5. Declining enrollment
  6. Reduction in SELPA funding
  7. Reduction in funding from Fresno ROP
  8. Reduction in funding from federal Secure Rural Schools (forestry funds)
  9. Reduction in funding from Probation “JAG” grant
  10. Monitor and plan for STRS, PERS, and rising health care cost increases

Given our fiscal reality and salary investment in our employees, we have taken action to balance our budget with the following district wide adjustments for the 2017-18 school year:

District Office - eliminated and consolidated vacant administrative position
MCHS - eliminated vacant certificated teaching position; based on school class size projections
LDPE - eliminated current vacant classified secretary position; based on school site enrollment  
Greeley Hill - eliminated vacant certificated teaching position; based on school site declining enrollment

Last year,
given our fiscal reality and salary investment in our employees, we took action to balance our budget with the following district wide adjustments for the
2016-17 school year:

District Office - eliminated and consolidated vacant Special Projects Coordinator position
District Office - eliminated vacant Educational Services Department Director; hired part time Interim Director
District Office - eliminated vacant Alternative Education Assistant Teaching/Principal
Alternative Education - eliminated two vacant certificated teaching position; based on school class size projections
Woodland - eliminated vacant certificated teaching position; based on school class size projections
MES - eliminated vacant certificated teaching position; based on school class size projections
Special Education - eliminated/reduced Special Education Aide position/hrs; based on reduced student need

As you can see reductions over the past two years span across our entire district.  Although our resources are declining, unfortunately our requirements are not.  Staff works hard to comply with underfunded mandates, as well as keep up with state accountability systems and other requirements. This all must be done while supporting our students at the highest level.  Meeting these mandates takes time, energy, and money. Staff goes above and beyond to meet these demands on a daily basis.

In my weekly site visitations, I see how hard our team is working. I witness the commitment, dedication, and care from all staff who make our schools such great places for kids, regardless of limited resources.  We appreciate all the hard and important work you all continue to do on a daily basis.

Warm regards,
Jeff Aranguena
Mariposa County Unified School District
Director of Human Resources/Student Services

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Administrative Restructure: Educational Services Department

Administrative Restructure
Educational Services Department

At the March 2nd, 2017 special board meeting, the Superintendent and staff proposed a long term staffing structure that would take steps in solidifying a strong foundation for both our Educational Services department and Alternative Education department.   

Student learning and achievement of their full potential is why our schools and district exist. However, over the past several years the lack of a permanent and full time Director of Educational Services has hindered our District’s ability to fully carry out its vision and responsibility to students and staff. Appropriate and coordinated support has not been available to most effectively serve teachers and students. This issue has been significantly compounded by the deeply complex federal and state changes to education.  MCUSD has not been able to keep pace with the implementation of new mandates and initiatives despite all of our best efforts. MCUSD’s struggle to provide a consistent staffing structure for our Educational Services department, has made it difficult to provide quality educational support for students and staff, despite our staffs dedicated and determined efforts.

Our Superintendent presented a list of staffing options for the Educational Services department for consideration to the Board at a special study session on January 26th. With feedback from the Board, the Superintendent, along with additional input, created a second list of proposals for consideration in February.  Upon review, the Board directed the Superintendent and staff to bring forward additional plans for consideration to a special meeting in March.  Additional plans needed to address administrative oversight and support for both the Educational Services department and Alternative Education programs, in an efficient and fiscally prudent manner.

Historical Timeline
Educational Services Department Administrative Structure

School Years 2013-15:
The department was led by a Director who was promoted to Assistant Superintendent upon the departure of the Superintendent. This resulted in additional duties in other departments and reduced focus on Director of Educational Services duties and responsibilities. This shift required the Administrative Assistant/Testing Coordinator to take on duties outside of their job classification. The Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services position was vacated in February of 2015.  A former Superintendent was hired as an Interim Educational Services Director in March of 2015 for the remainder of the school year.

School Year 2015-16:
MCUSD advertised in the Spring of 2015 for an Educational Services Director and the position was accepted by individual who had held the position as an Interim during the second half of the 2014-15 school year.  That person then resigned from the position in September of 2015, returning to their role as Superintendent in their former school district.  Due to the Educational Services Director vacancy, a consultant was secured and contracted on a part-time basis for the remainder of the 2015-16 school year. During budget reductions process for the 2016-17 school year, the vacant Special Projects Coordinator position was eliminated, and the Lake Don Pedro Principal was reassigned to be Director of Educational Technology and Special Projects.

School Year 2016-17:
Due to budget adjustments, the Director of Educational Services position was reduced to a part time position (50 days), and the consultant hired in the Spring of 2015-16 continued to work in the part-time position, in consultation with the Superintendent.

Board Approved Educational Services Department Administrative Restructure

During the March 2nd, 2017 Board meeting, the Superintendent presented multiple options and the Board voted unanimously to approve the following structure seen below as an administrative duties organization chart:

Board of Trustees
Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services
Director of Alternative Education/Educational Services


In the upcoming weeks we will interview candidates for the Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services position, as well as develop a transition plan for the Alternative Education/Educational Services position Mr. Henderson will take on.  Additionally, we will be selecting a new principal who will replace Ms. Weaver, who will be transitioning out of her role as Interim Principal at Lake Don Pedro at the end of this year.  

Finally, we will also be recruiting and interviewing to fill teaching vacancies at sites across our district, as several teachers have informed us of their plans to retire at the end of this year.  We will be honoring retirees in the months ahead for all they have contributed to our community, and will then look forward to welcoming new educators to our team.

Jeff Aranguena
Mariposa County Unified School District
Director of Human Resources/Student Services

Superintendent Search Update

The Mariposa County Unified School District Board of Trustees has selected the executive search firm Leadership Associates to condu...